show and tell

I don’t know about you, but I LOVED show and tell as a kid. I couldn’t tell you much of any of the things that I brought over the years, but I always loved doing it. I guess a part of me enjoys sharing with a group — always has. I do remember in Kindergarten doing a “stupid human trick” of sorts as my show and tell. I have this ability to flip my tongue completely over, exposing the under side, with no help from my fingers or teeth.  This may not be a unique talent, but when I was 5, I did’t know anyone else who could do that…so I shared. I can only imagine what my well-seasoned Kindergarten teacher thought of that!

Today I want to start a little form of Show and Tell here. If you have stumbled on to my blog, I want to connect you with resources that I have found encouraging. Now if you follow me on Facebook, you will see them there too. I believe there are lots of waves in the same ocean of Faith in Jesus. I enjoy lots of those waves. Not one person alone will have all you need in this world. God gave us friendS and realtionshipS. We encounter so many people and also get the chance (thank you Internet) to be exposed to some of the most anointed minds of this century!

Today’s Show and Tell:


They give daily encouragement and links to their blog posts on their Facebook page (link above).

I love sharing those that have touched me. I also love flooding my feed with inspirational pages. Those posts that will keep my mind on what is lovely and true, noble and pure, admirable, praiseworthy and excellent. ( To paraphrase Philippians 4:8) We can use social media to keep our mind on what matters and to remind us that social media isn’t the end all be all of our connections to people or to God.