The Goo Goo Club
My middle child is in preschool. I knew her experience with school would be different than my son’s. They are very different kids. She is a feeler and a creative. She is also highly social in all situations. He is more reserved in school settings and is much more...
Feeling the Shift: The Next Wave
Back in November, I shared that we were feeling a shift. We (my husband and I) began looking into alternative schooling for our kids. This journey is full of so much unknown and conflicting feelings! I almost envy those families who have a conviction about a...
Be Brave for Healing
2015 is feeling big to me. I am one who doesn’t spend a lot of time on goals for the new year until I am in the new year. My head can’t really focus on the twelve months ahead in the middle of Christmas. I don’t want it to either. Christmas is such a sacred and holy...
Coffee Break
It is fasting time at our church. We take the first three full weeks of the year and dedicate them to the Lord by fasting something and spending more time in prayer. The idea behind it is to quiet the flesh and realign ourselves with God. This gives way for us as...
The Birth of Dreams
A new year always has this air of promise. As it gets closer, I get more and more excited. I even find myself holding on to things until January 1. Like habits that I want to implement, projects I want to start, or decisions I want to make. Some of it is because...
Inexperienced Expectations
As I am writing this, the song Mary Did You Know is playing in my ears. I love this song. I love the words and I love to ponder each question that the singer poses. I imagine some (answers) she knew and some she didn’t. Considering Mary was a woman—and an unmarried...