This is it. Lately, I have been obsessed with thinking about what it would look like to launch a ministry. I am sure it is less of a launch and more of a conscience step forward. It’s not like a ceremonial thing that can be marked by a large event-type moment…or can it?

I was thinking how Jesus felt. His ministry years weren’t marked by a big to-do. He was given a green flag when He received Holy Spirit, and then His first miracle was thrust upon him by his mother. He is at a wedding enjoying people and the celebration of two people making a serious covenant and then suddenly he is being “bossed” around by his mother. I say this with a joking tone as we all know he adored his mother. I often take creative liberty in my mind when I think about the exchange that took place at that wedding. As far as I know, we don’t even know who the bride and groom were or how they were connected to Jesus and his family. In my mind, someone in that family must have been extremely special to Mary. Maybe the groom’s parents knew Mary before the whole pregnant by the Holy Spirit thing happened and they chose to believe and stick by her side when the others wanted to ostracize her and gossip behind her back. Who knows for sure, but she stuck her neck out a little and put Jesus on the spot for this family. He responds with “Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come?” (John 2:4) Again, creative liberties here, but I can’t help but think they had a moment there. A look that spoke a thousand words. Words like

Mary: Come on Jesus, you owe me. I have known about your greatness since I first said ‘Yes’ to God. 

Jesus: Mother, is this the way it all should really begin? But my how I love you, I would do anything for you and you know it don’t you

Mary: Yep

Jesus: Papa, we good with this being the beginning?

Papa: Party on my son. This is going to be fun!


I have NO biblical evidence of this and am not trying to convince anyone else that this conversation actually took place in voice or otherwise, but can you just imagine the dynamic those two (three) had? He started his ministry with a party. He started doing miracles at his mom’s request. The point I am getting at is ministry isn’t about starting in a formal capacity: a church leadership role, a christian singer, a titled position with a Christian organization. It starts with saying yes to the opportunities put in front of you by God and doing them! So this is me–doing what I feel called to do.

Like I mentioned in my post last week, (here) I became overwhelmed by Holy Spirit about five years ago. I wish I could remember the moment but I can’t. I do know that I read the book Forgotten God by Francis Chan and that book was life changing. However, the hunger started shortly before that. It may have been the desperation I felt trying to mother three very young (1,3,5) children, but something in my life left me feeling lost in my purpose. I had been raised in church who spoke of Holy Spirit frequently but often mentioned how He could be grieved so I thought Him a fickle thing that clucked His tongue at my immaturity and ignorance. (HA!) In my early twenties, I was suffering from a broken heart. Just weeks after my divorce in the fall of 2005, I encountered Holy Spirit in such a powerful way one night that I broke into my prayer language for the first time and spent 2 hours crying, praying and feeling the tangible presence of the Lord. However, I didn’t have the support around me to disciple me and help me to grow in understanding of what had happened. I cherish that night, but it would be seven more years before I would encounter Him like that again. It seems I still held on to the notion that He was flighty and more like a visit from the Great Pumpkin than a being that was indwelling and to woven into the fiber of my being.


If you are reading this and relating to how mysterious I found Holy Spirit to be, I would urge you to check out a few resources. (I don’t have affiliate links *yet* I just want to hook you up with a quick link). I did write a short 6 week study to get you into some scripture and practical concepts of Holy Spirit. It is also listed below.

Forgotten God by Francis Chan

This Holy Spirit sermon series by Pastor Chris Hodges

Open the Gift by Ashley Ferris

I want to talk so much more about this topic, so I look forward to your thoughts on Holy Spirit. Catch me on my facebook page @embracingthewild